Common Italian irregular verbs – Presente Indicativo

Listen and solve the quiz – Italian irregular verbs – 40 sentences

As a beginner, you should learn the present tense of some important Italian irregular verbs. If your level is intermediate or advanced, a second look will help you to remember some basics.

Before we start:

Dovere, potere, volere and sapere (as “to know how to”) are the main Italian modal verbs.

Remember that conjugations made of just two letters (e.g. Lui va, Lei fa etc) don’t need any accent mark like Lui và, Lei fà. The only exception is Lui/Lei dà.

Personal pronouns are in order: IO – TU – LUI/LEI – NOI – VOI – LORO.

Please complete the quiz below and check your score.

Verbi irregolari – Presente indicativo

The following are “must learn” irregular verbs, you should memorise them as a beginner.

Fare (to do / to make)

  • faccio
  • fai
  • fa
  • facciamo
  • fate
  • fanno

Stare (to stay)

  • sto
  • stai
  • sta
  • stiamo
  • state
  • stanno

Sapere (to know)

  • so
  • sai
  • sa
  • sappiamo
  • sapete
  • sanno

Andare (to go)

  • vado
  • vai
  • va
  • andiamo
  • andate
  • vanno

Venire (to come)

  • vengo
  • vieni
  • viene
  • veniamo
  • venite
  • vengono

Dovere (must / have to)

  • devo
  • devi
  • deve
  • dobbiamo
  • dovete
  • devono

Potere (can)

  • posso
  • puoi
  • può
  • possiamo
  • potete
  • possono

Volere (to want)

  • voglio
  • vuoi
  • vuole
  • vogliamo
  • volete
  • vogliono

There are some more irregular verbs in the quiz. Please read the sentences carefully and repeat the exercise if necessary.


Bel or Bello? A special Italian adjective

The adjective “bello” is one of the most known Italian words. It follows a special rule, which you should learn and remember if you want to speak correctly

Foreigners make fun of Italians saying “Ciao bello!” or “Ciao Bella!”. I think it’s funny and also a good stereotype. We are friendly and everyone deserves the title of  “bello”.

Let’s see more in detail what this word means and how we can use it correctly.

In English, adjectives come before a noun. In Italian we usually put them after.

  • Ho una penna rossa and not Ho una rossa penna. We can’t put rossa before penna. 

Some adjectives however, can be put before or after a noun, changing the value of the noun itself.

  • Leonardo Di Caprio è un attore bravissimo
  • Leonardo Di Caprio è un bravissimo attore.

In the first case, we express an objective fact. Di Caprio is a great actor. In the second example, we want to express a point of view, the value of Di Caprio as an actor according to the opinion of the speaker.

Since bravissimo is a superlative, the position of the adjective here does not change much the intensity or the perspective of the speaker.

A better example would be:

  • Mario è un vecchio amico.
  • Mario è un amico vecchio.

In the first case, we say that Mario is al old friend, in the second Mario is an old person and he’s a friend. So, the first case is an example of a qualitative use of the adjective vecchio, it’s about my friendship with Mario.

There’s a more extensive explanation on another blog about the position of adjectives in Italian sentences. Have a look.

The adjective bello belongs to this second category. We can put it before or after the noun.
If we put it after the noun, it acts as a normal aggettivo, changing as singular or plural, masculine or feminine. We express an objective situation:

  • Il bambino è bello – sm
  • La bambina è bella – sf
  • I bambini sono belli – pm
  • Le bambine sono belle – pf

However, if we put bello before the noun, it changes quite radically and instead of agreeing with number and gender, it follows the rules of definite articles IL – LO – LA – I – GLI – LE – L’.

  • il ragazzo
  • lo zaino
  • la macchina
  • i regali
  • gli anni
  • le colline
  • l’albero

We get as a result:

  • Mario è un bel ragazzo.
  • Hai un bello zaino.
  • La Ferrari è una bella macchina.
  • Ho ricevuto dei bei regali.
  • Ho passato dei begli anni all’università.
  • In Toscana ci sono delle belle colline.
  • Davanti a casa mia c’è un bell’albero.

We don’t simply say that an object is beautiful. We want to give an opinion, a subjective point of view.

Using correctly the Italian adjective “bello” will help you to speak naturally and, why not, to get along with Italian people.

Try the quiz. Alla prossima.


Italian Imperfetto tense, modal verbs – PODCAST

Let’s have a look at the Italian imperfetto tense of the modal verbs dovere, potere, volere and sapere. Listen to the podcast.


We already introduced the Italian imperfetto tense and the difference with the passato prossimo tense, both belonging to the indicativo mood (realis mood). If you want to progress from the beginner-level to the intermediate-level, you need to master these two lesson points. Please have a look at the posts linked above and solve the attached quizzes before getting familiar with today’s quick lesson.

We are now going to focus on the imperfetto and the four main Italian modal verbs, the “verbi servili” dovere, potere, volere and sapere. We chose this particular topic because the verbi servili are extremely important and their conjugation is irregular in most tenses and moods, not in the imperfetto.  

Let’s see the conjugations and listen to the podcast for learning the correct pronunciation. Pay particular attention on the stress of the Loro pronoun.


We hope this fast lesson and podcast were useful. Please share and comment, feel free to ask questions.

Are you a “quaquaraquà”? Strange Italian people – PODCAST



Weirdosareeverywhere,includingItaly.ButhowcanyoudescribeapersonhavingastrangeorunusualattitudeinItalian? Itseemsthatwhenitcomestostrangeorunusualpeople,allthelanguagesagreeonstereotypesandcommonexpressions.



  • Fuoriditesta-Outofyourmind

  • Mattocomeuncavallo-Crazylikeahorse

  • Viveresuunaltropianeta-Belivingonanotherplanet

  • Testardocomeunmulo- Beasstubbornasamule

  • Unbuonoanulla-Agoodfornothing

  • Unquaquaraquà-  A squealer

  • Cervellodigallina-Hen’sbrain

  • Glimancaunvenerdì-HemissesaFriday(he’snot100%)

  • Averelatestatralenuvole-  Headintheclouds

  • Loscemodelvillaggio-Everybody’sfool



Interrompere qualcuno – Interrupt someone, PODCAST










InthefirstcaseweusedtheformalLei, verypolite; inthesecondtheinformalTuwithsomepoliteformulas(e.g.senontidispiace); inthethirdgroupweusedaverydirectsetofexamples,somethingyouwoulduseonlywithpeopleyoureallyknow.


Andare in bicicletta – Cycling in Italian

Spending a nice holiday cycling in Italy is a wonderful experience. Learn basic words related to cycling and bicycles. “Andare in bicicletta” means cycling in Italian.

Cycling in Italian cities is not really safe, too many cars and stone-paved roads. However, spending a nice holiday immersed in the beautiful countryside, cycling in Italian Alps, lakes, sweet hills and natural parks is simply fantastic. The following words and sentences may come in useful in case you choose to pack your bike or rent one for your Italian holiday.



We hope you will have a chance to go cycling in Italy and enjoy the beautiful Italian countryside riding a bike. Feel free to comment and ask questions. If you need to brush up your Italian, please book a free Skype trial lesson, live and online with a native teacher. Ciao!

Sorpresa! – Express surprise in Italian

Learn how to express surprise in Italian with 10 examples coming from the live language.


Quick Italian lesson: try to translate into your language the following examples:


Exactly like “out of the blue”.

  • Di punto in bianco, Carlo si è alzato dal tavolo e se n’è andato.
  • Non se lo aspettava nessuno, è successo di punto in bianco.
  • Di punto in bianco ha cominciato a piovere.


What do I know?  – How am I supposed to know about it? 

  • A: Non vedo Gianni, sai dov’è? B: Ma che ne so! È sempre in giro.
  • A: Qual è la capitale del Burundi? B: E che ne so!
  • A: Quanto costa una Ferrari? Che ne so!


Caught red handed. 

  • L’assassino è stato colto sul fatto e arrestato dalla polizia.


It’s a small world! We can also say. Quanto è piccolo il mondo. How small the world is.

  • Ho incontrato il mio vicino di casa a Londra. Il mondo è piccolo!


What a surprise!

  • Che ci fai qui? Che sorpresa!


Look what the cat dragged in. Lit. Who is not dead shows up again.

  • Eccoti, chi non muore si rivede. Ti aspettavo alla mia festa il mese scorso.


I almost died!

  • Quando ho saputo che Claudio ha perso il lavoro, mi è venuto un colpo.
  • Maria è bruttissima, la prima volta che l’ho vista mi è venuto un colpo.


For real?

  • Hai solo 15 anni? Davvero?


I can’t believe it!

  • Non ci credo! La Juventus ha vinto la Champion’s League di Calcio!



  • Hai speso un milione per la casa nuova? Addirittura!


Thanks for reading. Now you can express surprise in Italian! Please share, ask questions, put your translations in the comments or on Facebook. Please visit our facebook page for more. Ciao!

Conversational Italian 4: Affittare una macchina: Rent a car – Podcast

Learnhowto”affittareunamacchina”,rentacarinItalian,listentothepodcast. ThislessonmaycomeinhandywhenyouaretravellinginItaly.Italianpublictransportationisabitmessy,notveryefficient,butdefinitelycheapandenjoyable.Thebestwaytotravelandfeelfreetogoanywhere,isofcourserentingacar.Learnthebasicvocabularyandpronunciation,listentotheFREEpodcast. Affittareunamacchina.

Thelessonisdividedinthreeparts:whatyouwillsaytorentacar,whatyouwillhearfromtheautonoleggio (carrentalagency) andthefinaldialoguewiththefreepodcast.Buondivertimento!


autonoleggio=carrental/cliente=customer/ affittare=torent/assicurazione=insurance/franchigia= excess-deductible/ driver’slicence=patentediguida/benzina=gasoline/serbatoio=tank/ilpieno=fulltank/utilitaria=economycar/gomma=tire/ruota=wheel/volante=steeringwheel/freno=brake/parcheggio=parkinglot/incidente=accident/dent=ammaccatura/ furgone=van



  • Vorreiaffittareunamacchinaperfavore.


  • Vuolevederelamiapatente?


  • Dov’èlamacchina?


  • Possolasciarelamacchinainun’altracittà?


  • Hailcambiomanualeoautomatico?


  • C’èunaammaccaturasullacarrozzeria


  • C’èungraffiosullaportiera


  • Qualèlatariffaoraria?


  • Qualèlatariffagiornaliera?


  • Qualèlatariffaalchilometro?


  • Quantocostal’assicurazione?


  • Qualèlatarga?


  • Èabenzinaoèundiesel?


  • Dovelalascioquandoritorno?


  • Dovelasciolechiavi?


  • Miscusi,hoammaccatolamacchina.




  • Ilserbatoioèpieno


  • Perfavore,larestituiscaconilpieno


  • Lechiavisonosulcruscotto


  • Lavetturaènelparcheggio,fila32,posto56


  • Chiamiquestonumeroincasodinecessità


  • Compiliilmoduloperfavore


  • Possovederelasuapatenteperfavore?


  • Ilchilometraggioèillimitato


  • Hobisognodiunacartadicredito


  • Miservelasuafirma


  • Vuoleunavetturadiclassesuperiore?


  • Perfavorecontrollilostatodellavetturaprimadipartire


  • Buonviaggio!






Autonoleggio: Bene,chetipodimacchinaleinteressa?

Cliente: Vorreiunaquattroporte,utilitaria.

Autonoleggio: AbbiamounaFIATBravo.


Autonoleggio: Sono90euroalgiorno,l’assicurazioneèinclusa.

Cliente: Hocapito.Cosacoprel’assicurazione?

Autonoleggio: C’èunafranchigiadi500euro.

Cliente: Chesignifica?

Autonoleggio: Significachesefaunincidenteecisonodeidanni,leipagaiprimi500euro.

Cliente: Sperodinonfareincidenti!Laprendo.

Autonoleggio: Perfetto.Puòriempireilmodulo?

Cliente: Certo.

Autonoleggio: Miservelasuacartadicredito.


Autonoleggio: Bene,l’autoènelparcheggio,terzafila,posto41.Eccolechiavi

Cliente: Grazie

Autonoleggio: Ilserbatoioèpieno.Dovrebbetornareconilpieno.


Autonoleggio: Buonviaggio!Grazieearrivederci.

Cliente: Arrivederci.


Conversational Italian #3: Italian phrasal verbs

Do you like tiramisù? I do! The name of this famous Italian dessert is the combination of the verb tirare (to pull) and the preposition su (up). Italian phrasal verbs are called verbi sintagmatici.


Calling them “Italian phrasal verbs” is not right, but it makes sense and “verbi sintagmatici” is too technical (and boring, che noia!). Italian phrasal verbs are important elements of conversational Italian. Let’s see how and when we can use them with some examples.

“Tirare su” in Italian could mean:

  • to pull or pick something up: “Ho tirato su le chiavi, erano cadute”. I picked up the keys.
  • to cheer up: “Ero triste e ho visto un film comico. Mi ha tirato su”. The movie cheered me up.

In the second case, the usual meaning of tirare – to pull changes because there’s the preposition su – up. Just like in English, Italian phrasal verbs come in handy to express a concept or picture a situation adding some “movement” to a verb. The main difference is that in Italian, phrasal verbs are used to spice up the spoken language, particularly in Northern Italy, but you won’t see them so often on books or newspapers. On the other hand, TV and other media use them because of their flexibility.

There are some common verbs combined with certain prepositions or adverbs used to put together Italian phrasal verbs. We are going to explain only the figurative meaning of the phrasal verb and not the proper one. For example, the first line below, andare giù means of course “to go down”, no need to explain, but it also means …

Andare – to go

  • Andare giù: Carlo non è stato gentile, è andato giù pesante. – to be exceedingly bold
  • Andare avanti: Non posso andare avanti così. – to carry on
  • Andare contro: Michele va sempre contro. – to fly in the face of…
  • Andare dietro: Giovanna va dietro a cattive compagnie. – to follow somebody’s lead
  • Andare fuori: Giulio lavora troppo, è andato fuori – to go nuts
  • Andare sotto: Ho speso troppi soldi, sono andato sotto in banca – to go below a limit

Buttare – to dump

  • Buttarsi giù: Non ti buttare giù! – to get depressed (v. riflessivo)
  • Buttare giù: Non hai mangiato, butta giù qualcosa. – to swallow / eat something
  • Buttare fuori: Ha rubato dei soldi al lavoro, lo hanno buttato fuori! –  to kick sb out
  • Buttare via: Ho buttato via un’occasione – to blow a chance


Essere – to be

  • Esserci dentro: Non puoi capire una situazione se non ci sei dentro – to be in it
  • Essere giù: Sono un po’ giù, non mi piace il mio lavoro – to be sad
  • Essere indietro: Michele è sempre indietro con il lavoro – to be behind schedule
  • Essere sotto: Monica non è molto sveglia, è un po’ sotto – to be a bit thick


Mettere – to put

  • Mettere giù: Ho messo giù una proposta da discutere – to jot down
  • Mettersi sotto: Gianni si è messo sotto a studiare – to work seriously
  • Mettere su: Graziella ha messo su famiglia – to put together something
  • Mettere via: Flavio metterà via i soldi in banca – to save


Portare – to bring / carry

  • Portare avanti: Nelson Mandela ha portato avanti idee importanti – to carry on
  • Portarsi avanti: Mi porto avanti con il lavoro – work in advance 
  • Portarsi dietro: Vado in vacanza, mi porto dietro il gatto – bring together with you
  • Portare via: Il vento ha portato via un albero – to carry away


Tirare – to pull

  • Tirare avanti: Non abbiamo più soldi per tirare avanti – to survive
  • Tirare fuori: Finalmente Giuliana ha tirato fuori del carattere – to bring out some character
  • Tirare su: La cena di questa sera mi tirerà su il morale – to cheer up
  • Tirarsi indietro: Se mi chiederanno aiuto, non mi tirerò indietro – to hang back



Of course, this is just a sample of our work on Italian phrasal verbs. We know many more and we’d be delighted to show you some other examples. Please book your free trial and enjoy an Italian language lesson in video conference. Ciao!

“Una chiacchierata” with Dianne Hales


A friendly conversation with the author of the best-selling book “La bella lingua” and the brand new “Mona Lisa: A life discovered”

I’m very happy to finally have the chance of “chiacchierare” (chatting) with Dianne Hales. I am fascinated by the genuine love Dianne feels for my native language, expressed with passion in her book, “La bella lingua”, a tribute to the evolution of the Italian spoken and literary language and, at the same time, the description of her intimate journey for “becoming Italian word by word”.

“Mona Lisa: A life discovered”, her new intriguing book, is the story of a “flesh-and-blood woman who became one of the most famous artistic subjects of all time”. Release date, 5th of August 2014.

Prima di tutto, benvenuta. Thanks for being here. Come stai?

Molto bene.  Thank you for inviting me.

You were in Italy for the first time in 1983, and the only words you could say were “non parlo italiano”, I don’t speak Italian. Do you still observe Italy with the same curiosity of that American girl?

I remain endlessly intrigued and amused and bemused. Back then everything was exotic. I had no idea that many of the animated Italian conversations I couldn’t understand were about food. Now Italy is far more familiar—more like an old friend whose company I always enjoy than an enticing stranger.

How “Italian” is Dianne now, after such a long affair with Italy and our language? Are your still in love?

Si, ancora innamorata! I’ve been married for 36 years and am still very much in love with my husband too, so maybe it’s my nature.  But Italy and Italian never fail to delight me.  My ties to Italy have become so much deeper and stronger over the years, largely because of relationships with Italian friends. One of my favorite quotes comes from E.M. Forster, who wrote:  “Love and understand  the Italians, for the people are more marvelous than the land.” And they are.

I totally agree, even though people used to order and discipline can find Italians bizarre. In every “lunga storia d’amore”, long love story, there’s always something we can’t fully accept about our partner. What would you like to change of today’s Italy?

“Povera Italia! Sempre malgovernata!” Italians have been saying for years. But I never realized what a toll poor government and corruption can take.  I hear from friends how there’s no money for education, for art, for parks, for repairing roads, and restoring art. And it makes me sad to see this beautiful country with its wonderful heritage neglected.

Sorry, I used a very confidential tone with you. I should have been more respectful and ask you “possiamo darci del tu?”, because now you are an Italian Cavaliere (Knight of the Order of the Star), awarded by President Giorgio Napolitano.

It  came as a complete surprise. I had no idea an American could become an Italian knight.  It struck me as such a honor that this recognition came for a labor of love — love for a language, no less.

I really liked a line in your preface of La bella lingua: “If I have committed any strafalcioni, the Italian word for blatant linguistic blunders, I apologize. La colpa è solo mia”. I must confess that’s exactly what I think whenever I write something in English. After so many efforts for “becoming Italian word by word” what is your “bestia nera”, the most difficult aspect of the Italian language?

I spend most of my life in the U.S. and I read in and about Italian every day, but I lose my verbal ease.  I wish my accent and pronunciation were better. And I stumble over verb conjugations. I can’t say how many times I’ve studied the congiutivo yet still remain unsure of when or when not to use it.  My closest friends in Italy are Italian scholars who helped me when I was researching LA BELLA LINGUA, so I’m quite self-conscious about my grammar. I wish I could be more disinvolta, more relaxed. Of course, a  bit of  wine helps.

A glass of Italian wine “fa buon sangue”, makes good blood. What would you suggest to foreign students approaching for the first time the Italian language?

Drink it in with every sense. Read it. Listen to it. Sing it. Watch movies in it.  Let the sheer beauty of its rhythms carry you away so you want to do the hard work of mastering grammar and building vocabulary.

We know you as the successful author of La bella lingua, but you also wrote a book called Just Like a Woman, where you bust stereotypes about women based on male models. I think in my country there’s nothing more stereotypical than the Italian mamma. What do you think about Italian women?

I admire them.  For so long, their political and financial power was limited—and it still may be. But Italian women are strong. They are more comfortable in their skins than American women. I have met many accomplished and successful Italian women who never lose sight   of the importance of  love and family and home.  They’re tough but tender—and so stylish! I envy their ability to walk the cobblestoned streets of Rome in high heels.

Speaking of Italian women, we are very much looking forward to reading your next book: “Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered”. Could you tell us something about it? Why Lisa Gherardini?

The first time I learned that the woman in La Gioconda was a real woman, una fiorentina, I became curious. I had wanted to  include a chapter on women’s writings in LA BELLA LINGUA but it was very hard to find material. Yes, there were Venetian poets (mostly cortesans) and intellectuals like VIttoria Colonna, but women never had the opportunity to speak for themselves.  Lisa Gherardini has the most famous face in the world—but no voice.  Because people don’t think of “her” as real, the painting has been mocked and mutilated and parodied thousands of times.  But she was a real flesh-and-blood woman—a daughter, a wife, a mother, a Florentine, a Christian and, of course, a muse.  I wanted people to see her as three-dimensional, as a human being not unlike any of us. My book is a true story of discovery, ablend of history, biography, and memoir.  I loved immersing myself in Lisa’s world, and I am eager to share what I’ve learned.

Are you going to Italy any time soon? Any special plans?

Yes, I will be going to Italy in the fall to celebrate the publication of MONA LISA.  I want to thank the many people who helped me and to bring more recognition to Lisa in her hometown.

Grazie mille per essere stata con noi. Thank you so much Dianne.

A presto!

Dianne Hales’s “Mona Lisa – A life discovered” is published by Simon & Schuster. It can be pre-ordered on Amazon.  Release date August the 5th 2014.

More about Dianne Hales:

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