Thelessonisdividedinthreeparts:whatyouwillsaytorentacar,whatyouwillhearfromtheautonoleggio (carrentalagency) andthefinaldialoguewiththefreepodcast.Buondivertimento!
autonoleggio=carrental/cliente=customer/ affittare=torent/assicurazione=insurance/franchigia= excess-deductible/ driver’slicence=patentediguida/benzina=gasoline/serbatoio=tank/ilpieno=fulltank/utilitaria=economycar/gomma=tire/ruota=wheel/volante=steeringwheel/freno=brake/parcheggio=parkinglot/incidente=accident/dent=ammaccatura/ furgone=van I’dliketorentacarplease. Wouldyouliketoseemylicense? Whereisthecar? CanIleavethecarinanothercity? Isitstickshiftorautomatic? There’sadentinthebodywork. There’sascratchatthedoor. What’sthefeeperhour? What’sthefeeperday? What’sthefeeperkilometer? Howmuchistheinsurance? What’stheplatenumber? Doesittakepetrolordiesel? WheredoIleaveitwhenI’mback? WheredoIleavethekeys? I’msorry,I’vedentedthecar. Thetankisfull Pleasebringitbackwithafulltank Keysareonthedashboard Thevehicleisintheparkinglot,aisle32,place56 Pleasecallthisnumbershouldyouneedanyhelp Pleasefillouttheform CanIseeyourlicenseplease? Themileageisunlimited Ineedtoseeacreditcard Ineedyoursignature Wouldyoulikeacarupgrade? Pleasechecktheconditionofthevehiclebeforeleaving Enjoyyourtrip! Autonoleggio:Buongiorno,possoaiutarla? Cliente:Sì,vorreiaffittareunamacchina. Autonoleggio: Bene,chetipodimacchinaleinteressa? Cliente: Vorreiunaquattroporte,utilitaria. Autonoleggio: AbbiamounaFIATBravo. Cliente:Vabenissimo.Qualèlatariffagiornaliera? Autonoleggio: Sono90euroalgiorno,l’assicurazioneèinclusa. Cliente: Hocapito.Cosacoprel’assicurazione? Autonoleggio: C’èunafranchigiadi500euro. Cliente: Chesignifica? Autonoleggio: Significachesefaunincidenteecisonodeidanni,leipagaiprimi500euro. Cliente: Sperodinonfareincidenti!Laprendo. Autonoleggio: Perfetto.Puòriempireilmodulo? Cliente: Certo. Autonoleggio: Miservelasuacartadicredito. Cliente:Eccolacarta.Dov’èlamacchina? Autonoleggio: Bene,l’autoènelparcheggio,terzafila,posto41.Eccolechiavi Cliente: Grazie Autonoleggio: Ilserbatoioèpieno.Dovrebbetornareconilpieno. Cliente:Certo.Faròilpienoprimaditornare. Autonoleggio: Buonviaggio!Grazieearrivederci. Cliente: Arrivederci. WehowyouenjoyedthisItalianlesson.Pleasesubscribefora
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Today, we will take a quick look at the Italian modal verbs dovere, potere, volere (and sapere) and provide examples in both the presente and passato prossimo tenses.
In Italian, they are called verbi modali or verbi servili. The latter term better explains their function—they are “of service” to another verb, expressing an intention, possibility, necessity, or ability. For example:
In the first case, I simply buy a t-shirt now. In the second, the verb comprare is “helped” by volere to say “I want to buy a t-shirt.” It’s the same concept as in English with the verb “want.”
The Italian grammar structure is:
(subject) + verbo servile + verb + (object)
Please note that these four verbs are all irregular verbs.
Dovere, Potere, and Volere are properly defined as modal verbs. Sapere behaves differently in the passato prossimo and other compound tenses and has a double meaning: to know (facts) and to be able to (do something).
In Italian, as in English, verb tenses are divided into simple and compound forms. Simple tenses, such as the presente, consist of a single-word verb. For example, Mangio (I eat) is in the present tense.
Compound tenses, like the passato prossimo, are formed with the auxiliary verb essere or avere, followed by the past participle of the main verb (ending in -ato, -uto, -ito). For example:
When using modal verbs (dovere, potere, volere) with compound tenses like the passato prossimo, the situation becomes more complex because we add a third verb to the mix.
The choice of auxiliary verb (essere or avere) depends on the main verb, not the modal verb. For example:
In the second example, we see that the subject is a female and the feminine ending applies to the modal verb (dovuta). As you know, when you studied the passato prossimo, whenever we have essere, we need to apply a gender to the verb and make it masculine, feminine, singular or plural.
Rule of thumb: To determine which auxiliary to use, consider what the auxiliary would be if the sentence didn’t include the modal verb.
Examples with different modal verbs:
Omitting the main verb: If the main verb is omitted and only the modal verb is used, “avere” is always used as the auxiliary. For example:
In other words, with Italian modal verbs in the passato prossimo, we have three verbs:
essere/avere + verbo servile + main verb.
For example:
An easy trick to identify essere or avere as the correct verb is to use the question “che cosa?” (“what?”) with the verb. STUDIARE (che cosa? la matematica), MANGIARE (che cosa? i tortellini).
If you can answer the question, the verb supports a direct object (called a verbo transitivo) and uses avere. Otherwise, use essere. This works in most cases, not all, but it’s a simple intuitive rule.
With Sapere, we mostly use avere with the passato prossimo and other compound tenses, or tend to express the concept of “I was able to” with “potere” or other set phrases. That’s why “sapere” is not considered a fully functioning modal verb and is often times excluded in grammar books.
We will write examples for each verbo servile, with presente indicativo on the left and passato prossimo on the right, using a mix of verbs that take essere or avere. Personal pronouns are in order: IO, TU, LUI/LEI, NOI, VOI, LORO.
Dovere means must, have to, or need to.
Potere means can, could, or be able to.
Volere means to want.
Sapere means to know, but it can also mean to know how to or to be able to.
Q: Can modal verbs be used without other verbs?
A: Yes, modal verbs can be used alone in Italian, but they usually require another verb to complete their meaning.
Q: Can modal verbs be used in compound tenses?
A: Absolutely, modal verbs in Italian can be conjugated in compound tenses like the passato prossimo.
Q: What is the difference between “potere” and “sapere”?
A: “Potere” expresses ability or permission, while “sapere” indicates knowledge or skill. Potere is a proper modal verb, sapere is easier with simple tenses, rarely used in compound tenses under strict conditions (e.g. verbi riflessivi).
Q: Are modal verbs in Italian irregular?
A: Yes, modal verbs like dovere, potere, volere, and sapere have irregular conjugations.
Here is your assignment. After the lesson, answer the questions. Your teacher will correct what you write. You will receive a confirmation by email.
TheItalianbarisaculturalinstitution,aplacewherepeoplesocialize,havebusinessmeetingsora romanticdate,watcha”calcio”matchonTVorsimplyhaveaquickespressoforresettingtheirmind.Let’sseewhatpeopledrinkandeatduringtheday.
In Italian, the old saying dare i numeri, literally, “giving the numbers” means to go crazy.
Of course there’s nothing as rational as numbers to measure and weigh the reality of things. We are going to study the numeri cardinali, Italian numbers (uno due tre etc…). Listen to the correct pronunciation and repeat.
Let’s get started, cominciamo!
Pretty straight forward, as it happens in every language, Italian numbers one to ten are unique and you need to learn them by heart.
Italian numbers ten to nineteen are different. Again, you have to memorise them. They all have the word “…dici” (…teen) either at the beginning or at the end of the number.
Very common mistake, do not confuse 16 and 17.
From now on, Italian numbers up to 100 are predictable. The formula is: multiple of ten + unit. For example 24 is venti + quattro = ventiquattro. See the multiples of ten below and apply the rules.
Please note that 1 and 8 combined with multiples of ten, “eat” the vowel before —> ventuno, ventotto; trentuno, trentotto; quarantuno, quarantotto; cinquantuno, cinquantotto and so on (and not ventiuno, ventiotto; trentauno, trentaotto etc).
Get rid of the last vowel and add a suffix. So we have venti, trenta, and then quaranta, cinquanta …anta. When someone turns 40 years old, you can make fun of them saying “welcome to the …anta”, benvenuto/a negli “…anta”.
One hundred is “cento”, not hard to remember if you are an English speaker (century, cent etc…). We don’t say “un cento”, but just “cento”. Then you have 200 duecento, 300 trecento and so on.
Mille is singular, all its multiples are “–mila”. Please note, one billion in Italian is un miliardo. In this case, the English billion is an exception. In other languages the equivalent translation of miliardo is common (French, Spanish, German, Russian…).
You know enough to put together all the numbers you want. Let’s start with a simple question. How old are you?
Differently from English, In Italian you “have” years, you are not xx years old. That’s an interesting way to imagine one’s age, as if you own the time you have used.
Anyhow, the correct way to ask someone’s age is:
I hope this lesson about numbers was useful. Alla prossima!
55 minutes with a native Italian teacher
Ok, get ready to listen and repeat the words. We are going to dissect and study the human body just like my esteemed fellow countryman Leonardo da Vinci did some time ago. Well… in less detail.
As opposed to English, i capelli is a countable noun. So il capello is a single hair. Il sopracciglio belongs to a particular family of Italian nouns, along with other nouns of body parts. The singular is masculine, plural is feminine le sopracciglia ending in -a. This is because in Latin they were neutral words and in Italian (we have no neutral) singular and plural took different genders. At the bottom of the page you will find a recap.
In this case the singular word il seno stands generally for both breasts. It is also possible to say i seni, less used. I bet you want to know how we say “ass” instead of the most polite sedere. There you go: culo.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning the name of the fingers. From thumb to pinky the are: pollice, indice, medio, anulare, mignolo. In Italian il dito, singular is masculine, the plural le dita is feminine. Other nouns with irregular plurals are: sopracciglio, ciglio, braccio, ginocchio, labbro. Try to say the plural following the same rule, LE DITA —-> LE —–A.
A useful tip, hoping you won’t need it. If you feel pain somewhere and need to explain it to an Italian doctor, say:
There are some few basic rules for pronouncing correctly Italian sounds. Italian is less complicated than other common European languages. That’s because Italian is a literary language, heavily influenced by classic Latin and syllables have just one sound.
The Italian alphabet has just 21 letters, since j, k, w, x, and y are used only in foreign words recently adopted in the Italian vocabulary, like jeans, wifi, baby sitter, marketing, etc. Italian vowels are A E I O U. Listen to their sound:
The letter H is quite unique, since generally it’s not pronounced in the spoken language, but it is fundamental for creating some sounds. For example, “I have” in Italian is “io ho”, where “ho” is not pronounced like “holiday”, but like “Oregon”. GElato and spaGHEtti are simple and effective examples of how the letter H changes the sounds of syllables. Listen how a native speaker says these words correctly.
Another example where H creates sounds is CHI, like CHItarra, guitar, where we also have a double R. Double consonants give a stronger tone to the sound. Please listen and repeat.
Let’s find out some tricky words and Italian sounds you wouldn’t guess just reading them.
We are sure you would like to have some fantastic food in Italy. If you want to order some fish, you should call it pesce. SCE in italian is pronounced like shame. Two or more fish are pesci and SCI is pronounced like she in English. Listen and repeat.
The last tip of today about tricky Italian sounds is the hybrid sound GLI, where G and L are smoothly blended together. For example, the Italian word for family is famiglia. Listen carefully and catch the sound GLI.
Let’s wrap up today’s learnings. Please try to read and pronounce correctly the following syllables and then listen to the correct sound to adjust. Finally, solve the simple quiz below.
Thanks for listening.