Sapere is a rather important verb. Let’s see it together and learn some useful sentences. This time the webcast is for everyone.
Ciao a tutti
Sapere VS conoscere
Prima di tutto, first and foremost, let’s have a look at the conjugations of the two verbs and listen to the correct pronunciation.
Both sapere and conoscere translate as “to know”. The difference is in the depth of knowledge and the object I know.
Sapere is a very important modal verb. A modal verb supports and describes a second verb and amplifies its meaning. In English, for example, I can swim means that I am able to swim, I know how to do that, or that I am allowed to do that. “Can” is the modal verb, “to swim” is the main verb.
In Italian, “Can” is translated with two different modal verbs: Potere or Sapere (+ an infinitive verb). I can say:
(io) so nuotare – I can swim, I learned as a child and I know how to do that.
(io) posso nuotare – I can swim, I am allowed to or I’m in a condition to do that.
Another example. Let’s suppose Carlo goes out for dinner and has a few glasses of Chianti. He needs to go back home. Now, he knows how to drive (sa guidare) but tonight he can’t (non può), because he had too much wine.
Carlo sa guidare, ma stasera non può perché ha bevuto.
There are plenty of Italian set phrases coming with the verb sapere. Below, a small, personal selection and webcast.
Fammi sapere. – Let me know.
Sono venuto a sapere che …- I came to know that…
Non ne voglio sapere. – I don’t want to know.
Ti faccio sapere. – I’ll let you know.
Le faremo sapere. – We’ll let you know (formal)
Come faccio a saperlo? How would I know it?
Mi sa che (il ristorante è caro) – I have the feeling that…
Non so se mi spiego. – Need I say more?
Mario sa il fatto suo. -He knows his stuff
Thanks for listening. Get in touch if you have questions. Alla prossima!
Today, we will take a quick look at the Italian modal verbs dovere, potere, volere (and sapere) and provide examples in both the presente and passato prossimo tenses.
What is a modal verb?
In Italian, they are called verbi modali or verbi servili. The latter term better explains their function—they are “of service” to another verb, expressing an intention, possibility, necessity, or ability. For example:
Compro una maglietta nuova. – I’m buying a new t-shirt.
Voglio comprare una maglietta nuova. – I want to buy a new t-shirt.
In the first case, I simply buy a t-shirt now. In the second, the verb comprare is “helped” by volere to say “I want to buy a t-shirt.” It’s the same concept as in English with the verb “want.”
Dovere, Potere, and Volere are properly defined as modal verbs. Sapere behaves differently in the passato prossimo and other compound tenses and has a double meaning: to know (facts) and to be able to (do something).
Essere or Avere?
In Italian, as in English, verb tenses are divided into simple and compound forms. Simple tenses, such as the presente, consist of a single-word verb. For example, Mangio (I eat) is in the present tense.
Compound tenses, like the passato prossimo, are formed with the auxiliary verb essere or avere, followed by the past participle of the main verb (ending in -ato, -uto, -ito). For example:
(Io) ho studiato. (I studied) uses avere.
(Io) sono andato. (I went) uses essere
When using modal verbs (dovere, potere, volere) with compound tenses like the passato prossimo, the situation becomes more complex because we add a third verb to the mix.
The choice of auxiliary verb (essere or avere) depends on the main verb, not the modal verb. For example:
Ho dovuto studiare. (I had to study.) – uses “avere” because “studiare” typically uses “avere”
Sono dovutaandare. (I had to go.) – uses “essere” because “andare” typically uses “essere”
In the second example, we see that the subject is a female and the feminine ending applies to the modal verb (dovuta). As you know, when you studied the passato prossimo, whenever we have essere, we need to apply a gender to the verb and make it masculine, feminine, singular or plural.
Rule of thumb: To determine which auxiliary to use, consider what the auxiliary would be if the sentence didn’t include the modal verb.
Examples with different modal verbs:
Hai potuto mangiare? (Were you able to eat?) – uses “avere” because “mangiare” uses “avere”
Siete potuti venire? (Were you able to come?) – uses “essere” because “venire” uses “essere”
Ho voluto comprare un libro. (I wanted to buy a book.) – uses “avere” because “comprare” uses “avere”
Sono voluto partire presto. (I wanted to leave early.) – uses “essere” because “partire” uses “essere”
Omitting the main verb: If the main verb is omitted and only the modal verb is used, “avere” is always used as the auxiliary. For example:
Ho dovuto. (I had to.)
In other words, with Italian modal verbs in the passato prossimo, we have three verbs:
essere/avere + verbo servile + main verb.
For example:
Ieri ho dovuto lavorare molto .
An easy trick to identify essere or avere as the correct verb is to use the question “che cosa?” (“what?”) with the verb. STUDIARE (che cosa? la matematica), MANGIARE (che cosa? i tortellini).
If you can answer the question, the verb supports a direct object (called a verbo transitivo) and uses avere. Otherwise, use essere. This works in most cases, not all, but it’s a simple intuitive rule.
With Sapere, we mostly use avere with the passato prossimo and other compound tenses, or tend to express the concept of “I was able to” with “potere” or other set phrases. That’s why “sapere” is not considered a fully functioning modal verb and is often times excluded in grammar books.
Let’s check the details and use of Italian modal verbs. Listen to the audio and repeat to improve comprehension and pronunciation.
We will write examples for each verbo servile, with presente indicativo on the left and passato prossimo on the right, using a mix of verbs that take essere or avere. Personal pronouns are in order: IO, TU, LUI/LEI, NOI, VOI, LORO.
Verbi servili, Audio – Presente & Passato Prossimo
Dovere means must, have to, or need to.
DEVO imparare a suonare il pianoforte – I must learn to play the piano.
DEVI provare quel ristorante giapponese – You must try that Japanese restaurant.
DEVE scrivere un libro sui suoi viaggi – He/She must write a book about his/her travels.
DOBBIAMO organizzare una festa a sorpresa – We have to organize a surprise party.
DOVETE vedere quell’opera d’arte al museo – You (plural) need to see that artwork at the museum.
DEVONO salvare il pianeta dai cambiamenti climatici – They must save the planet from climate change.
HO DOVUTO correre per prendere l’ultimo treno – I had to run to catch the last train.
HAI DOVUTO spegnere il fuoco in cucina – You had to put out the fire in the kitchen.
HA DOVUTO ammettere la verità davanti a tutti – He/She had to admit the truth in front of everyone.
SIAMO DOVUTI restare svegli tutta la notte per finire il progetto – We had to stay awake all night to finish the project.
AVETE DOVUTO tradurre il documento in quattro lingue – You (plural) had to translate the document into four languages.
HANNO DOVUTO cambiare piano all’ultimo minuto – They had to change plans at the last minute.
Potere means can, could, or be able to.
POSSO preparare la cena per tutti stasera – I can prepare dinner for everyone tonight.
PUOI accompagnarmi in aeroporto domani mattina? – Can you take me to the airport tomorrow morning?
PUÒ finire il rapporto entro venerdì prossimo – He/She can finish the report by next Friday.
POSSIAMO organizzare una riunione per discutere il progetto – We can arrange a meeting to discuss the project.
POTETE prenotare i biglietti del concerto online – You (plural) can book the concert tickets online.
POSSONO utilizzare la sala conferenze al piano di sopra – They can use the conference room upstairs.
HO POTUTO imparare una nuova lingua online – I was able to learn a new language online.
HAI POTUTO risolvere il problema da solo? – Were you able to solve the problem by yourself?
HA POTUTO partecipare alla conferenza virtualmente – He/She was able to participate in the conference virtually.
SIAMO POTUTI andare in vacanza dopo mesi di lavoro – We were able to go on vacation after months of work.
SIETE POTUTI entrare al museo gratuitamente – You (plural) were able to enter the museum for free.
HANNO POTUTO collaborare sul progetto a distanza – They were able to collaborate on the project remotely.
Volere means to want.
VOGLIO scoprire nuovi mondi – I want to discover new worlds.
VUOI imparare a suonare il violino – You want to learn to play the violin.
VUOLE scrivere un romanzo – He/She wants to write a novel.
VOGLIAMO organizzare una sorpresa – We want to organize a surprise.
VOLETE esplorare una città sconosciuta – You (plural) want to explore an unknown city.
VOGLIONO vedere l’aurora boreale – They want to see the Northern Lights.
HO VOLUTO lavorare ieri – I wanted (decided) to work yesterday.
TI SEI VOLUTA godere il tramonto – You decided to enjoy the sunset.
HA VOLUTO scalare la montagna più alta – He/She wanted to climb the highest mountain.
ABBIAMO VOLUTO esplorare una città nuova – We wanted to explore a new city.
SIETE VOLUTI restare svegli fino all’alba – You wanted to stay awake until dawn.
HANNO VOLUTO prendere una decisione audace – They wanted to make a bold decision.
Sapere means to know, but it can also mean to know how to or to be able to.
SO preparare un piatto raffinato – I can prepare a sophisticated dish.
SAI suonare i classici del rock – You know how to play classic rock songs on the guitar.
SA leggere i manga in giapponese – He/She knows how to read manga in Japanese.
SAPPIAMO fare immersioni in alto mare – We can go deep-sea diving.
SAPETE guidare una moto da corsa – You (plural) know how to drive a racing motorcycle.
SANNO cantare arie di Verdi – They can sing Verdi’s arias.
HO SAPUTO preparare un ottimo risotto – I managed to make a great risotto.
HAI SAPUTO riparare il tuo computer – You knew how to fix your computer.
HA SAPUTO suonare il pianoforte – He/She knew how to play the piano.
ABBIAMO SAPUTO leggere dei dati finanziari – We managed to read financial data.
AVETE SAPUTO parlare in pubblico – You (plural) knew how to speak in public.
HANNO SAPUTO organizzare un evento di successo – They knew how to organize a successful event.
Ascolta questo dialogo
🧔🏻 – Gianna, puoi venire al concerto domani? – Gianna, can you come to the concert tomorrow?
👩🏼🦰 – Non posso venire, devo studiare per l’esame – I can’t come, I have to study for my exam.
🧔🏻 – Sai se qualcuno vuole venire? – Do you know if someone else wants to come?
👩🏼🦰 – So che Paola vuole andarci. Puoi chiamarla – I know Paola wants to go. You can give her a call.
🧔🏻 – Vuoi studiare insieme a me domani? – Do you want to study with me tomorrow?
👩🏼🦰 – Va bene, possiamo studiare domani pomeriggio – Ok, we can study tomorrow afternoon.
🧔🏻 – Perfetto, allora ci vediamo domani – Perfect, see you tomorrow then.
👩🏼🦰 – D’accordo, buona serata! – Ok, have a good evening!
Q: Can modal verbs be used without other verbs?
A: Yes, modal verbs can be used alone in Italian, but they usually require another verb to complete their meaning.
Q: Can modal verbs be used in compound tenses?
A: Absolutely, modal verbs in Italian can be conjugated in compound tenses like the passato prossimo.
Q: What is the difference between “potere” and “sapere”?
A: “Potere” expresses ability or permission, while “sapere” indicates knowledge or skill. Potere is a proper modal verb, sapere is easier with simple tenses, rarely used in compound tenses under strict conditions (e.g. verbi riflessivi).
Q: Are modal verbs in Italian irregular?
A: Yes, modal verbs like dovere, potere, volere, and sapere have irregular conjugations.
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Question 1 of 2
1. Question
I verbi modali al presente
Completa le frasi utilizzando il verbo modale corretto Complete the sentences using the correct modal verb
You can use an apostrophe instead of an accent if you don't have an Italian keyboard (è = e')
Mia sorella (dovere) (deve) prendersi cura del nostro cane mentre siamo via. My sister must take care of our dog while we are away.
Io (potere) (posso) preparare il pranzo per tutta la famiglia oggi. I can prepare lunch for the whole family today.
Giulia (volere) (vuole) imparare a suonare il violino quest'anno. Giulia wants to learn to play the violin this year.
Marco (sapere) (sa) parlare tre lingue fluentemente. Marco knows how to speak three languages fluently.
Gli operai (dovere) (devono) completare la costruzione del ponte entro fine mese. The workers must complete the bridge construction by the end of the month.
Tu (potere) (puoi) andare al supermercato per comprare il latte? Can you go to the supermarket to buy milk?
Noi (volere) (vogliamo) organizzare una festa a sorpresa per il compleanno di Luigi. We want to organize a surprise party for Luigi's birthday.
Il nostro vicino (sapere) (sa) cucinare piatti deliziosi. Our neighbor knows how to cook delicious dishes.
Il mio amico (dovere) (deve) trasferirsi in una nuova città per lavoro. My friend must move to a new city for work.
Anna (potere) (può, puo') fare jogging al parco ogni mattina. Anna can jog in the park every morning.
Voi (volere) (volete) partecipare alla maratona cittadina quest'anno? Do you want to participate in the city marathon this year?
I bambini (sapere) (sanno) già nuotare senza aiuto. The children already know how to swim without assistance.
Mio padre (dovere) (deve) chiamare il tecnico per riparare il computer. My father must call the technician to repair the computer.
Io e i miei amici (potere) (possiamo) andare al cinema stasera. My friends and I can go to the cinema tonight.
La nonna (volere) (vuole) raccontare storie ai suoi nipoti. Grandma wants to tell stories to her grandchildren.
Il professore (sapere) (sa) spiegare gli argomenti in modo chiaro. The professor knows how to explain topics clearly.
Luca (dovere) (deve) restituire i documenti al comune entro domani. Luca must return the documents to the town hall by tomorrow.
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Question 2 of 2
2. Question
I verbi modali al passato prossimo
Completa le frasi utilizzando il verbo modale corretto Complete the sentences using the correct modal verb
You can use an apostrophe instead of the accent if you don't have any talion keyboard (può = pu0')
Il dottore (dovere) (ha dovuto) cancellare gli appuntamenti per un'emergenza. The doctor had to cancel the appointments due to an emergency.
Io (potere) (sono potuto) uscire prima dal lavoro grazie a un permesso speciale. I was able to leave work early thanks to a special permit.
Anna (potere) (ha potuto) partecipare alla maratona dopo mesi di allenamento. Anna was able to participate in the marathon after months of training.
Laura (volere) (è voluta, e' voluta) fermarsi al parco per rilassarsi dopo una lunga giornata. Laura wanted to stop at the park to relax after a long day.
Gli studenti (sapere) (hanno saputo) usare il nuovo software senza difficoltà. The students knew how to use the new software without difficulty.
Noi (volere) (abbiamo voluto) provare il nuovo corso di yoga al centro benessere. We wanted to try the new yoga class at the wellness center.
Maria e Giovanni (potere) (hanno potuto) terminare il progetto prima della scadenza. Maria and Giovanni were able to finish the project before the deadline.
Il bambino non (potere) (è potuto, e' potuto) partecipare alla gita scolastica per un malanno. The child was not able to join the school trip due to an illness.
Il direttore (dovere) (ha dovuto) assumere nuovo personale per gestire l'aumento del lavoro. The director had to hire new staff to manage the increased workload.
Luca e Marta (sapere) (hanno saputo) organizzare la festa di compleanno in modo impeccabile. Luca and Marta knew how to organize the birthday party perfectly.
Le maestre (sapere) (hanno saputo) motivare gli studenti durante il concorso scolastico. The teachers knew how to motivate the students during the school competition.
Io e mia sorella (volere) (abbiamo voluto) dipingere la stanza di colori vivaci. My sister and I wanted to paint the room in bright colors.
Tu (volere) (hai voluto) assistere al seminario sul cambiamento climatico. You wanted to attend the seminar on climate change.
Il meccanico (potere) (ha potuto) trovare il pezzo di ricambio raro per la moto d'epoca. The mechanic was able to find the rare spare part for the vintage motorcycle.
Il mio amico (dovere) (ha dovuto) annullare il viaggio a causa di un imprevisto. My friend had to cancel the trip due to an unforeseen event.
Noi (potere) (siamo potuti) partire per le vacanze in anticipo grazie al bel tempo. We were able to leave for vacation early thanks to the good weather.
I miei genitori (sapere) (hanno saputo) gestire le finanze familiari con attenzione. My parents knew how to manage the family finances carefully.
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