“Figurati”, “ci mancherebbe”, “non c’è di che”, you are quite welcome (in Italian) – Webcast

In Italian, when someone says grazie, you should say prego.

That’s fine, but there are other ways to to say “you are welcome”.


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The easiest way to say thank you in Italian is grazie, and prego is you are welcome. We all know that. If you want to  express your gratitude, regardless of the social position  of the person you’re talking to or situation, grazie and prego are enough.

However, if you are learning Italian, you should know other ways to say “thank you” and “you are welcome” because people in Italy use the expressions we are going to see in this post.

We can start with ti ringrazio (= io ringrazio te) and the formal la ringrazio (= io ringrazio Lei) as “thank you so much.”. We can use this structure with different subjects: vi ringrazio, vi ringraziamo, (lui / lei) ti ringrazia and so on.

Less common and rather obsolete is grazie di cuore.

  • grazie, grazie mille
  • ti ringrazio, la ringrazio
  • (io) vi ringrazio, (noi) vi ringraziamo … (lui / lei) ti ringrazia etc.
  • grazie di cuore

Alternatives to your are welcome in Italian are the following:

  • figurati, si figuri (or “si immagini”)
  • ci mancherebbe
  • non c’è di che
  • non c’è problema
  • nessun disturbo

Figurati (tu) and Si figuri (Lei) is like “do not mention it”. Literally, this is the imperative of to imagine, to figure. It means you are welcome, “you can imagine it was no problem”.

Ci mancherebbe, conditional of mancarci, to lack or to miss, is close to “it’s the least I could do”, you are welcome. The “ci” adds an idiomatic touch to the verb.

Both figurati and ci mancherebbe sometimes don’t mean you’re welcome but “don’t even mention it” because it’s “out of the question”, impossible.

  • Figurati se mio fratello mi presterà mille euro.

He won’t lend me money, no way, (can you picture him doing that?).

The translation is not perfect, there is no match with English, You should simply look at the context.

  • Non c’è di che (ringraziare)

very polite form to mean “there’s no reason to say thanks”.

  • Non c’è problema

is not as common as “no problem” in English, but we use it sometimes.

  • Nessun disturbo

is the answer to “Scusa (scusi) per il disturbo”, sorry for the hassle. You are welcome, no problem.

I hope this was useful. Try a free Skype class. Alla prossima.

Painting: Vittorio Matteo Corcos – Mezzogiorno al mare 1884

© 2017 Dante Learning

What they don’t teach you #4: Figurati, figuariamoci, che figura! PODCAST

IfyouopenyourItaliandictionaryandchecktheverbs“figurarsi”and“fareunafigura”youwillseetheybothhavedifferentmeanings.LearnhowweusethosewordsinconversationalItalian.ListentothePodcast. Recently,astudentaskedmethedifferencebetween“figurati”“figuriamoci”,and“fareunafigura”,allverycommonexpressions.Perhapsyouheardtheidiom “chefigura!”.Let’s”figure”outwhattheymean.


  • Tiringrazioperiltuoaiuto.
  • Figurati!Nonc’èdiche.
  • It’spronouncedfigùratianditliterallymeans“imaginethat,picturethat”.Ifyoureadorhearitaftera”grazie”,itsimplymeans“youareverywelcome,don’tmentionit”.AnotherinterestingwaytosayyouarewelcomeinItalianisnonc’èdiche,literally,there’snothingtobe(thankful)about.Butagain,justlikewelcomeinEnglish,whenwesaythatwedon’tthinkabouttheactual,literalmeaning.It’sjustaninteriezione,anautomaticanswer.

  • Laringrazioperilsuoaiuto
  • Sifiguri!
  • Thisisthepoliteversionoftheinformalthankyou-welcomeformulaabove.YouaregoingtochangeFiguratiinSifiguriwhenyousayyou“arewelcome”toastranger,usingtheformalLei.

  • Mariotihatelefonato?
  • Figurati!(Figuriamoci!)
  • That’syetanothermeaningoffiguratiandfiguriamoci.OfcourseMariodidn’tcallme,“youcanpicturethat”,weknowhowheis,figurati!Inthiscase,itwillalwaysmean“ofcoursenot,don’tevenmentionthat”,youknowtheanswer.


    Asubstantial differencebetweenFiguratiandFiguriamociisthatwedon’tusuallysaythelattertomean“youarewelcome”.

  • Nonmipiacemoltoilpesce,figuriamociquellocrudo.
  • Idon’tlikefishthatmuch,letalonewhenraw.FiguratiandFiguriamocicanalsoreinforceapreviousstatement,likeinEnglish“letalone…”.Anotherexample:Nonhotempoperleggereilgiornale,figuriamociunlibro!

  • ComealsolitoStefanononsièricordatodelnostroanniversario,figurati.
  • Stefanoforgotaboutouranniversary,“tellmeaboutit!”That’sexactlywhatFiguratiorFiguriamocimeaninthiscase.Firenzeinestateèpienadituristicomealsolito,figuriamoci!TellmesomethingIdon’tknow.


  • Chefigura!
  • That’skindoftoughtotranslateinEnglish.Ifwegofor“tomakeabadimpression”wemaythinkof someone whodidn’timpresspositivelyotherpeople,forsomereason.

    Chefigura!isdifferent,itreferstoanembarrassingevent,asingleepisode.Mentreparlavoavevolacernieraaperta,chefigura!whenIwastalkingtheflyofmypantswasopen,Chefigura!InItalian,weadd thesuffix–acciato giveanegativemeaningtoalmosteveryword.Chefiguraccia!whatanembarrassment! Che(brutta)figura!


    Don`t copy text!