Participio, Gerundio, Infinito – Quiz

The Italian participio, gerundio and infinito are “modi indefiniti”

With this quick recap and quiz, you will be able to practice the Italian Indefinite Moods, or Modi Indefiniti. I won’t go into details, since I wrote more structured blogs already.

The Italian infinito, participio and gerundio are modi indefiniti because they do not provide any particular information about the subject or the timing of a sentence.

Gerundio and Infinito have “implicit subjects” and ignore totally the gender and number of a subject. In other words, they usually live together with another verb and they “borrow” the subject from it. For example:

  • Studio l’italiano leggendo i giornali.
  • Studiamo l’italiano leggendo i giornali.

The gerundio leggendo is invariabile. The two subjects, io and noi, don’t have any impact on leggendo, which doesn’t change.

The Gerundio just indicates how io or noi study Italian.

We call it a gerundio di modo. Again, review the related blog linked above for a complete explanation of the Italian Gerund.

The Participio however, does change: Mario è andato; Gli amici sono andati. You know that already, right?

Participio, Gerundio and Infinito have two tenses each: semplice and composto, or presente and passato in old grammar books.

The definition of presente and passato is convenient but misleading, since they really don’t have a particular place in time. For example:

  • Prima di mangiare, mi laverò le mani.
  • Dopo avere mangiato, mi laverò i denti.

I chose on purpose a main clause in the future (mi laverò). The first is an infinito semplice, the second is an infinito composto, which describes a complete action, not necessarily in the past.

The participio is particularly easy. It’s not part of the quiz.

The participio presente tense is usually a noun or an adjective: presidente, cantante, comandante or divertente, interessante, bollente…The participio passato is our beloved —ato, —uto, —ito (mangiato, bevuto, dormito) pattern.

Again, presente and passato are just labels, they do not indicate a position in time of the participio.

Finally, remember that the gerundio and infinito are special, because they merge with pronouns.

  • Voglio conoscerti meglio.
  • Conoscendoci meglio, diventeremo amici.

If you want to know more, we can talk about it during our Skype class. Are you ready?


Alla prossima!

Quadro: Vittorio Matteo Corcos – Giovane con il foulard giallo (before 1933)

Photo of author
Milanese, graduated in Italian literature a long time ago, I began teaching Italian online in Japan back in 2003. I usually spend winter in Tokyo and go back to Italy when the cherry blossoms shed their petals. I do not use social media.

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