Congiuntivo Presente – Irregular Verbs – Quiz

Learn the main irregular verbs of the Italian Congiuntivo Presente

This is the third post and quiz about the Congiuntivo Presente.

We have just studied the Congiuntivo Presente of Essere and Avere and the Congiuntivo Presente of regular verbs.

Please review the previous posts to understand how and when we have to use the Congiuntivo instead of the Indicativo.


As a rule of thumb, if a verb is irregular in the Presente Indicativo, it’s also irregular in the Congiuntivo Presente tense.

Essere and Avere are therefore irregular in the Congiuntivo Presente. Please learn them first, as they will be necessary in the construction of the Congiuntivo Passato, which is roughly similar to the Passato Prossimo Indicativo. Stay tuned, we are going to learn it soon.

The following is a list of the most important irregular verbs of the Congiuntivo Presente.

  • I decided to emphasise the fact that the congiuntivo is a subordinate sentence, meaning that very often is linked to the main clause with a “…che”.
  • Some verbs stem from the same root, like produrre, condurre, tradurre, indurre… or tenere, sostenere, mantenere, ottenere etcetera and have the same irregularities. This list is not complete of course, but you can spot some patterns and complete the conjugations of similar irregular verbs.
  • Just like regular verbs, io, tu, lui and lei share the same conjugation and it’s often necessary to clarify the subject of the sentence.

Please read through the list and complete the quiz at the bottom of the page.

Flip your phone horizontally to see the full chart.



io, tu, lui/lei










andare vada andiamo andiate vadano
bere beva beviamo beviate bevano
dare dia diamo diate diano
dire dica diciamo diciate dicano
dovere debba dobbiamo dobbiate debbano
fare faccia facciamo facciate facciano
morire muoia moriamo moriate muoiano
potere possa possiamo possiate possano
produrre produca produciamo produciate producano
proporre proponga proponiamo proponiate propongano
riempire riempia riempiamo riempiate riempiano
rimanere rimanga rimaniamo rimaniate rimangano
salire salga saliamo saliate salgano
sapere sappia sappiamo sappiate sappiano
scegliere scelga scegliamo scegliate scelgano
sciogliere sciolga sciogliamo sciogliate sciolgano
sedere sieda sediamo sediate siedano
spegnere spenga spegniamo spegniate spengano
stare stia stiamo stiate stiano
supporre supponga supponiamo supponiate suppongano
tacere taccia tacciamo tacciate tacciano
tenere tenga teniamo teniate tengano
togliere tolga togliamo togliate tolgano
tradurre traduca traduciamo traduciate traducano
uscire esca usciamo usciate escano
venire venga veniamo veniate vengano
volere voglia vogliamo vogliate vogliano



All’abbeverata – Filippo Palizzi – 1867

Photo of author
Milanese, graduated in Italian literature a long time ago, I began teaching Italian online in Japan back in 2003. I usually spend winter in Tokyo and go back to Italy when the cherry blossoms shed their petals. I do not use social media.

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