I connettivi: Italian connectors. Guide and Quiz

The Italian “connettivi”, are conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions or common expressions used to connect elements inside of a sentence

Connettivi in Italian are essential for constructing sentences logically and cohesively. These connectors include conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions, or common expressions that create relationships between sentence elements. They are indispensable tools for clear communication.

Depending on their function, we have:


  • di tempo
  • di causa e conseguenza
  • di scopo e modo
  • di contrasto/concessione, condizione/dubbio
  • di inclusione / esclusione
  • di struttura

I am going to provide plenty of examples down below. I left the examples in Italian only. All the sentences are part of the Freemium blog, please log in or subscribe for free to read them and to access the freemium quiz.



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English translations of these connettori are not always a perfect match. Experience will help you to use them naturally.

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Connettivi di tempo

Drag and drop the words listed below next to the correspondent sentence

mentre – entro – non appena  – prima –  dopo  – finché

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Milanese, graduated in Italian literature a long time ago, I began teaching Italian online in Japan back in 2003. I usually spend winter in Tokyo and go back to Italy when the cherry blossoms shed their petals. I do not use social media.

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Malcolm Rogerson
Malcolm Rogerson
3 years ago

Thanks for this article. It makes the subject of connectives very accessible.

Nicky North
Nicky North
4 years ago

Ciao Riccardo,
Ho una domanda. Nel frase ‘Ai bambini non piace andare all’asilo…’ Perche’ ‘ai bambini’ invcece ‘i bambini’? Non capisco il motivo. Grazie. Nicky

Nicky North
Nicky North
Reply to  Riccardo
4 years ago

Si, ora me lo riccordo. Grazie.

Tricia Tancredi
Tricia Tancredi
6 years ago

Grazie per questa importante lezione nel rendere la conversazione più naturale!

7 years ago

I appreciate your efforts , one of the best site to learn Italiano ..

Carol Isles
Carol Isles
8 years ago

Che tempismo! Negli ultimi giorni stavo cercando degli articoli proprio su questo argomento; e i tuoi sono sempre i migliori. Grazie mille, Riccardo!

Maria Luzia
Maria Luzia
8 years ago

Dio. c` é tanto per impapare. Sono brasiliana e me piace tantissimo questa lingua

8 years ago

Dear Riccardo, I am a new Italian student, but I must say that this page is clear, understandable even for a dummy like me, and very very helpful. Thank you very much. Paul

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