The Italian word “ancora”- idioms

Learn different meanings of the Italian word “ancora” with common examples, idioms

Ancora (pronounced ancòra) is an adverb, and has different meanings.

Still, even now/then

“Anche ora” “Anche allora”, also now/then. It means that an action is, will be, or was ongoing.

  • Ieri sono andato in palestra, sono ancora stanco. Yesterday I went to the gym, I’m still tired.

  • Quando ti ho conosciuto, abitavo ancora a Roma. When I met you, I was still living in Rome.

  • Domani alle otto di sera sarò ancora a casa. Tomorrow at eight pm, I will still be at home.


That’s one of the most common translations.

  • Voglio tornare ancora a Orvieto. I want to go back again to Orvieto.

  • Ho studiato ancora i pronomi ma non li ho capiti. I studied again the pronouns but I did not understand them.

  • Un giorno, visiterò ancora Agrigento. One day, I will visit Agrigento again.


Ancora can mean “one more time” (sometimes as “ancora una volta”) or “more” when we talk about  quantity,

  • (a teatro) Bravi! Ancora! (at the theatre) Bravo! We want more!

  • Ho fame, c’è ancora della pasta avanzata? I’m hungry, is there any more pasta left?

  • I soldi non le bastano, ne vuole ancora. Money isn’t enough, she wants more.

Not yet

“Non ancora” in negative sentences. Again, it works with present, past and future tenses.

  • Non sei ancora stanco? Aren’t you tired yet?

  • Quando sei nato, tua madre non aveva ancora 20 anni. When you were born, your mother wasn’t even 20.

  • Domani alle 8 non avrò ancora finito. Tomorrow at 8, I won’t be finished yet.

Even more / less

With a comparative, ancora helps to amplify the difference between two elements.

  • La mia casa nuova è ancora più grande di quella vecchia. My new house is even bigger than the previous one.

  • Il mio lavoro è ancora più difficile dell’anno scorso. My work is even more difficult than last year.

  • L’italia è ancora più bella della Spagna. Italy is even more beautiful than Spain.


A couple of useful expressions in spoken Italian,

  • Milano non mi piace, Torino ancora ancora. I don’t like Milan, Turin is just acceptable.

  • Ancora meglio! Even better!

  • Ancora peggio! Even worse!

Thanks for reading, a presto!


Today’s painting: Guercino, Sibilla Persica (1647)

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Milanese, graduated in Italian literature a long time ago, I began teaching Italian online in Japan back in 2003. I usually spend winter in Tokyo and go back to Italy when the cherry blossoms shed their petals. I do not use social media.

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Charlie DeWeese
Charlie DeWeese
7 years ago

I was interested in the phrase, “I soldi non le bastano, ne vuole ancora.” What is the difference here between 1) she has enough money, but she wants more of something other than money, and 2) she does not have enough money and she wants more money? Would they be written the same way? Does it just all depend on context (Like what the previous sentence may have said)?

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