Programma del Corso
6 Lezioni Zoom
Lezione 1
Il congiuntivo e la lingua italiana. Che cos’è e come si usa
Cominceremo dalla definizione di congiuntivo e dalla differenza con gli altri modi della lingua italiana.
Che cos’è il congiuntivo? Come e quando si usa? E’ davvero necessario?
Lezione 2
Le coniugazioni del congiuntivo: il presente e il passato
Continueremo ad esplorare e ad applicare le regole del congiuntivo a vari scenari, usando il tempo presente e quello passato.
Applicheremo le regole a frasi di uso comune della lingua parlata.
Lezione 3
Le coniugazioni del congiuntivo: l’imperfetto e il trapassato
In questa lezione completeremo lo studio dei tempi del congiuntivo e rivedremo i vari scenari con l’imperfetto e il trapassato.
Come al solito, useremo frasi comuni per praticare insieme.
Lezione 4
Indicativo e congiuntivo
Studieremo le concordanze dei tempi del congiuntivo in relazione ai comuni tempi dell’indicativo.
In questa lezione avremo modo di praticare quello che abbiamo imparato finora.
Lezione 5
Condizionale e congiuntivo
In questa lezione finale metteremo in relazione il condizionale e il congiuntivo, due modi della lingua italiana che descrivono scenari non reali.
Lezione 6
Ripasso, Q&A
In quest’ultima lezione avremo modo di praticare insieme quello che abbiamo studiato, fare domande e risolvere dubbi.
Il Congiuntivo 101
Why “Congiuntivo “101”?
There is a lot of confusion among students of Italian as a second language regarding the use of the Italian subjunctive mood, called Congiuntivo. The primary goal of this course is to provide the tools to use the Italian subjunctive appropriately and naturally, with examples taken from spoken language.
Is This Course for Me?
The course is aimed at intermediate and advanced level students who wish to learn the basics of the Italian Congiuntivo. By the end of the course, you will be able to handle basic structures and understand when to use the congiuntivo appropriately.
What are the contents of the course?
It’s a short course of 6 lessons and will cover all the basic aspects of the congiuntivo: grammar, vocabulary, both colloquial and formal uses, and the relative importance of the subjunctive in everyday language.
How is the course structured?
Classes will consist of a maximum of 4 students. Before each lesson, students will receive preparation material online, fully available on this website. Each live lesson includes a correspondent offline study unit.
Students will have individual access to study materials such as quizzes, listening tests, and assignments, all of which will be corrected by the teacher, and will be able to track the progress of the course.
Learning material and teaching will be exclusively in Italian.
How Much Does the Course Cost? How Does Payment Work?
The course is priced at $149 and includes:
- 6 Zoom lessons
- 6 units and reading material available from your dashboard
- Each class includes a listening task, a quiz, an assignment, a separate additional workbook.
Everything is available on this site.
Payment methods are all main Credit Cards (via Stripe) and PayPal.
We are a group of students. Can we join?
Yes. Please submit your request in the comments. We can arrange a private class with a dedicated day and time.
Application, Schedule, Timeline
Availability for USA-Canada (& Australia)
Today, we will only accept course enrollment applications. A written confirmation will follow via email as soon as the classes are formed. Applications will be accepted until all seats are filled. Payment will be requested only at a later time.
For the US, Canada and Australia (in brackets), there will be two options:
- Sunday – 19:00 Eastern, 18:00 Central, 16:00 Pacific (Australia NSW Monday at 9:00 am)
FIRST CLASS Sunday, April 28, 2024
Thursday – 18:00 Eastern, 17:00 Central, 15:00 Pacific (Australia NSW Friday at 8:00 am)
FIRST CLASS Thursday, May 2, 2024
Thursday Class is complete.
Schedule for Australia will be one calendar day after the US.
Application Deadline: April 25, 2024
Payment Deadline: April 26, 2024
Kindly indicate your preferred day, time, and time zone in the comments section (e.g., ‘I’d prefer Monday afternoon; I’m in Melbourne’).
Apply Now
Please, provide us with your contact information.
Choose your preferred day and time, along with a second option as a backup.
We will organize the classes and get back to you as soon as possible.
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