Hollywood stars who speak awesome Italian – Video

A list of Hollywood stars who speak awesome Italian or are such great actors that managed to speak it very well on stage.

Some Hollywood actors speak (or spoke) Italian very well, others tried to speak a credible Italian but simply couldn’t. Some others, learned Italian only for acting properly, with astonishing results.

Vincent Cassel


We are sure that 14 years of marriage with actress Monica Bellucci helped Vincent Cassel with his Italian. He speaks quite flawlessly,  with a slight French accent, but he’s definitely very fluent. Being French is of course a great advantage for learning Italian or other Romance languages. Cassel loves Brazil and he’s also proficient in Portuguese.

Christoph Waltz


Unforgettable performance in Inglorious Basterds. An Austrian-born actor, Waltz is of course a native German speaker, and he’s fluent in English and French. Listening to this performance alone, it would be easy to assume he’s fluent in Italian too, but actually he admitted he’s not. He learned a few lines for the movie and that’s it. I’m sure though he would learn very quickly. Great accent, fluency and intonation, he fooled me.


Colin Firth


This versatile English actor, good on stage and on the big screen, married Livia Giuggioli in 1997 , an Italian producer and director. They live in London and Italy and have two sons with Italian names, Luca and Matteo. He started to learn Italian when he and Giuggioli began to date and he now is fluent. He has a house in Siena and spends as much time as he can in Italy. In this recent message, he shows advanced Italian skills mixed with a great British accent.

Audrey Hepburn


The tribute here is a must. Hepburn was a polyglot, fluent in Dutch, French, Spanish and Italian. in 1968 she married an Italian doctor, Andrea Dotti. The legendary Vacanze Romane, the unforgettable movie with Gregory Peck, made Italy even more famous and desirable than it was already, a romantic destination for millions people. In this interview, she displays a near-native knowledge of Italian an elegant syntax and a very good pronunciation. A real charm.

Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is fluent in French, Spanish and Italian. In this quick interaction with an Italian journalist, Jodie speaks naturally and complains about her French accent, which is hardly noticeable. I wasn’t expecting that, it was a nice find. She speaks naturally. Beautiful smile…

Viggo Mortensen

It’s well known that Viggo Mortensen speaks 7 languages and Italian too. He uses sophisticated vocabulary and describes his beautiful movie Green Book with all the nuances of a native Italian speaker. Intelligent, charming, polyglot. One of my favourite actors. Bravo.

Penelope Cruz

Surprisingly, there are not many Spanish actors fluent in Italian, even though our Spaniard cousins speak a nearly identical language. Penelope Cruz is an exception. Her Spanish accent is beautiful and she tries to find appropriate words when she talks about her childhood. Brava e Bella.

Robert De Niro

When I heard Robert De Niro speaking fluent Sicilian as a young Don Vito Corleone in The Godfather Part II, I was shocked. I am a native speaker and I found his Sicilian very convincing. Of course he has an American accent, but he was clearly understanding what he was saying, as opposed to Al Pacino in the same movie, who instead didn’t seem comfortable in speaking broken Italian. De Niro is a living legend in Italy, he’s not only considered a great actor, but also a great Italian. But is he really Italian? Well, he holds a double passport, but I wanted to know if he learned Sicilian at home as a kid. Then I learned that he’s of Irish and Italian origin and learned some Italian only as an adult. Amazing.

Thanks for reading. Please comment and share.

Alla prossima!


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Milanese, graduated in Italian literature a long time ago, I began teaching Italian online in Japan back in 2003. I usually spend winter in Tokyo and go back to Italy when the cherry blossoms shed their petals. I do not use social media.

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Maurice HBank
Maurice HBank
2 years ago

And I wish I could have met Paul Muni, Edward G Robinson, Danny Kaye,and Sam Jaffe so we could speak some Yiddish. Maybe Cagney and Monte Hall to!

5 years ago

I really was surprised at Colin Firth!
And Audrey was elegant as always.

Adele McConnell
Adele McConnell
5 years ago

You realize, of course, that De Niro is of Irish and Italian descent on his father’s side, Dutch, English, French, and German on his mother’s and doesn’t speak Italian. He did spend months studying Sicilian and even then many Italians have said he pretty much mumbled through lines and they had difficulty understanding what he said, including my own grandfather from Ribera, Sicily. His father just happened to have an Italian name. On the other hand, Alfredo James “Al” Pacino is the son of Italian American parents Rose Gerardi, whose parents were from Corleone, Sicily (my grandmother was also from Corleone) and Salvatore Pacino from San Fratello, Sicily. If he “didn’t seem comfortable speaking broken Italian”, it’s for 2 reasons – it was intentional as Michael Corleone, an American, wasn’t supposed to be fluent in Italian and just as my grandparents raised my mother, her sister, and brother, children were encouraged to speak English and assimilate, he didn’t speak Italian at home.

Maurice HBank
Maurice HBank
Reply to  Riccardo
2 years ago

I thought Keitel was Jewish? Either way, I said hello to him at JFK, and he was horribly rude. It was totally uncalled for?

5 years ago

My mother was a full 100% Sicilian. I speak a little Italian but I want to be fluent in it. It’s the most beautiful language in the world.

Reply to  Kataleena
5 years ago

Si, Si!
And that is the extent of my Italian unfortunately, as it is true, no other language is as beautiful nor a people more gracious & loving than the people who live in Alitalia!♥️

Maurice HBank
Maurice HBank
Reply to  Kataleena
2 years ago

It’s always nice to speak another language.Mine wax Yiddish, but I am sad there is no one around for me to speak it with. Take advantage of it whije you can.

Mary Salerno Schipani
Mary Salerno Schipani
Reply to  Kataleena
2 years ago

I agree with you, the Italian language is beautiful, I wish everyone should speak Italian, the romance language, just my opinion

Way Fit
Way Fit
6 years ago

Note that Colin Farrell is actually Irish!! His native accent would be Irish-English-Dublin.He also does a good fake English-English, and American-English accent 😉

Robert Blum
Robert Blum
7 years ago

Robert De Niro’ is NOT of Irish decent. His mother was Jewish.

Deborah Vezza
Deborah Vezza
Reply to  Riccardo
2 years ago

I never knew that !

Dian Villarreal
Dian Villarreal
8 years ago

I love Robert De Niro!!! Hearing him speak Italian in Godfather was so sexy!!! Too bad he doesn’t speak it all the time. AL Pacino is another Italian who spoke the language in the movie but I don’t think he actually speaks it.

jeff carpentier
jeff carpentier
Reply to  Dian Villarreal
7 years ago

DeNiro is more Irish than Italian.

Madeleine Aghapekian
Madeleine Aghapekian
Reply to  jeff carpentier
5 years ago

He is more Italian

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