Common Italian irregular verbs – Presente Indicativo

Listen and solve the quiz – Italian irregular verbs – 40 sentences

As a beginner, you should learn the present tense of some important Italian irregular verbs. If your level is intermediate or advanced, a second look will help you to remember some basics.

Before we start:

Dovere, potere, volere and sapere (as “to know how to”) are the main Italian modal verbs.

Remember that conjugations made of just two letters (e.g. Lui va, Lei fa etc) don’t need any accent mark like Lui và, Lei fà. The only exception is Lui/Lei dà.

Personal pronouns are in order: IO – TU – LUI/LEI – NOI – VOI – LORO.

Please complete the quiz below and check your score.

Verbi irregolari – Presente indicativo

The following are “must learn” irregular verbs, you should memorise them as a beginner.

Fare (to do / to make)

  • faccio
  • fai
  • fa
  • facciamo
  • fate
  • fanno

Stare (to stay)

  • sto
  • stai
  • sta
  • stiamo
  • state
  • stanno

Sapere (to know)

  • so
  • sai
  • sa
  • sappiamo
  • sapete
  • sanno

Andare (to go)

  • vado
  • vai
  • va
  • andiamo
  • andate
  • vanno

Venire (to come)

  • vengo
  • vieni
  • viene
  • veniamo
  • venite
  • vengono

Dovere (must / have to)

  • devo
  • devi
  • deve
  • dobbiamo
  • dovete
  • devono

Potere (can)

  • posso
  • puoi
  • può
  • possiamo
  • potete
  • possono

Volere (to want)

  • voglio
  • vuoi
  • vuole
  • vogliamo
  • volete
  • vogliono

There are some more irregular verbs in the quiz. Please read the sentences carefully and repeat the exercise if necessary.


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Milanese, graduated in Italian literature a long time ago, I began teaching Italian online in Japan back in 2003. I usually spend winter in Tokyo and go back to Italy when the cherry blossoms shed their petals. I do not use social media.

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